We are often asked questions about Freemasonry, most of which arise from the time we were an apparently closed society. Hopefully, the following and some of our other pages will give you the answers you are looking for, but if not; please contact us. We will pass it on to someone who can provide a suitable answer.
1 Are you a religious organisation?
Definitely not. We use the phrase ‘Supreme Being’ to allow men of any and all faiths to join. We never refer to any particular ‘God’. A Freemason’s ‘God’ is the ‘God’ of his own religion. In fact, in our meetings the discussion of religion is specifically prohibited as is the discussion of politics.
2 Aren’t You a Secret Society?
As we have published this very public web site, clearly we aren’t. It has been said that we are a ‘Society with Secrets’, but even this is not true. The so called secrets of Freemasonry are easily discovered, but every candidate takes an oath not to reveal them. In fact they are more easily discovered than someone’s Bank PIN! Because we don’t or won’t reveal them, the conspiracy theorists have had a field day alleging malign influences, corruption and other outlandish claims.
3 Does the Roman Catholic Church allow its members to be Freemasons?
Membership of Freemasonry in the UK is currently permitted by the Roman Catholic Church.
4 Why then are some religions against Freemasonry?
It is true to say that from time to time some religious leaders have spoken against Freemasonry, but we believe that it stems from a mis-understanding of what Freemasonry is all about. There are many members of the clergy of all the world’s religions who are Freemasons and find no incompatibility with their beliefs and the Order. We accept that we will always have our critics and of course they are entitled to their views and they are free to ask questions of us at any time.
5 Do you have to be rich to be a Freemason?
Do I have to give a % of my income to the Lodge? No to both of these. There are people from all walks of life who are Freemasons, as long as you can afford the Lodge subscriptions. A Masonic Lodge is no different from being a member of a golf club when it comes to paying your way. Membership is open to all men regardless of religion, political persuasion, career, wealth or social position.
6 Being a Freemason will get you off Motoring and other offences.
Try it! and see the consequences. Probably an increased penalty and expulsion from Freemasonry.
7 It’s a Business Networking Group
Oh! we wish it was. We would all be millionaires by now! In truth you get to know people you can trust and possibly do business with, but there a far better ways of networking for business. Touting for business within the Lodge won’t get you anywhere.
8 It’s a Conspiracy to Rule the World
300 years and we haven’t made it yet. If we did rule the world it just might be a better place than it is now. But we can’t deny that many world leaders are or have been Freemasons
9 What do you do? Is Freemasonry just about Lodge Meetings?
Fortunately, no. We take part in many social and sporting events, including bowling, golf, clay pigeon shooting, cycling, walking, activity days / weekends etc. and we join in with our wives, partners and families to share these pursuits. We hold dinner dances and social evenings to which non-Masons are invited on a regular basis. Events may be organised at Lodge level or even District or Provincial level and these can be quite special occasions to which civic dignitaries and special guests may be invited. Many Masons also become actively involved in charitable activities in the communities local to their Masonic Hall or do work for other good causes and charities.
10 What do you do in your meetings?
At Hope Valley meetings are held nine times a year on the first Wednesday of the month from November to June. We have a business part to the meeting. We read the minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary will read correspondence and the Treasurer will give an update on the financial situation within the Lodge. The Almoner will advise the members if there is any member who is sick or needs visiting and the Charity Steward will give an update on charity matters. Whenever there is a candidate the Officers of the Lodge will work a ceremony which is a sort of play. These vary depending on which step the candidate is taking. These are known as degrees. The meetings are generally rounded off by a meal known as a Festive Board. Fundamentally the Lodge meetings are about an approach to life.
11 Can anyone visit your meetings?
Only Masons who are member of a regular Lodge recognised by UGLE may visit and enter a meeting. However, from time to time Masonic Halls are opened to the Public and visitors are accepted. This is usually known as an Open day at which visitors will be shown around the building, including the Lodge room(s) and have the various Lodge offices and activities explained to them. Also Masonic halls are often made available to members of the public for functions such as, business meetings, conferences, weddings, birthday parties, funerals and the like. Most have licensed bars and catering facilities.
12 Why is Freemasonry not allowed in some countries?
That is a good question and one which has been asked many times. You will find that generally speaking where democracy exists, so does Freemasonry and it is spread right across the globe. In some countries, especially those where a dictatorial regime exists, they seem to think that because Freemasons meetings are held behind closed doors that they may be conspiring against them. Freemasonry in England and in those countries whose Freemasonry is in accord with us, forbid the discussion of religion or politics at meetings.
13 Why don’t you admit women?
Freemasonry under the United Grand Lodge of England is for men only and has been so for 300 years; however, there are separate Masonic organisations for women which follow the same organisational pattern as the men. We don’t attend their meetings and they don’t attend ours. Since 1998 the two English women’s jurisdictions, while not formally recognized, have been acknowledged as being regular in practice and relationships are extremely cordial. Both organisations are happy to keep it that way
14 What are the secrets of Freemasonry?
The secrets of Freemasonry are the traditional modes of recognition, which are said to be developed from the early stonemasons’ guilds and which are not used indiscriminately, but solely as a test of membership, e.g. when visiting another Lodge where you are not known or during the Lodge ceremonial. They should never be used outside of the Lodge room and only used when the Lodge is open.
15 Why do you wear Aprons?
We are continuing an age old tradition practised by the ancient stonemasons’ guilds. Originally they would have been worn for protection whilst the stonemason was working, but now they serve a symbolic purpose like many other things in Masonry. However, they are now highly decorated and signify the rank of the wearer. Freemasons are not alone in wearing aprons many other fraternal societies also wear something similar.
16 How old does a man have to be to join?
Generally speaking a man would have to be 18 years of age and has to be proposed and seconded by a Freemason. These will usually be people who know him well although we do get enquirers who don’t know other Freemasons. An applicant must be of good reputation. The precise rules for admission do vary slightly from time to time and these can be obtained from the current Book of Constitutions which is available via the United Grand Lodge of England website. www.ugle.org.uk
15 What is special about Freemasonry?
An independent report has concluded that, contrary to much misleading commentary, Freemasonry demonstrates genuine openness and transparency and concludes that it is arguably more relevant today than ever before. Freemasonry acts as a ‘constant’, providing members with a unique combination of friendship, belonging and structure, with many Masons saying they have made valuable lifelong friendships.
16 What is this thing about a Goat?
None of our ceremonies involve animals. There have been many nonsense claims and ideas about sacrifices and devil worship, all of which are untrue and laughable. Oh! The goat relates to a very old masonic joke that refers to good men refuting the influence of the bad. (The Devil??)