Our History

In 1893 the completion of the Sheffield to Manchester railway line between Dore and Chinley opened up the Hope Valley and a year later passenger services commenced.

Stations were built at Grindleford, Hathersage, Bamford and Hope which allowed the more affluent business men to commute to work in Sheffield. The flow in traffic grew and it was not too long before Freemasons who lived in the valley decided to meet and investigate the feasibility of forming a new Lodge within Hope Valley. As a result in the latter part of 1908 the idea to form a Lodge was conceived.

A warrant authorizing the consecration of Hope Valley Lodge No. 3397 was granted on August 17th 1909 by the most Worshipful Grand Master. November 24th 1909 was chosen as the date for its consecration and it would take place at Loxley Hall Hope.Hope Valley Church (2)

You will see our banner and insignia depict St. Peters Church at Hope and this emblem also formed part of the founders jewel and to this day it takes pride of place on all the Past Masters Jewels. This emblem was chosen as a key landmark of the Hope Valley.

In 1917 during the Great War the Lodge removed the restriction that members should be residents of the valley.

Marquis of Granby      Maynard

The Lodge originally met at the Marquis of Granby Hotel on the outskirts of Bamford (which unfortunately has recently been demolished) and stayed there until January 1923 when due to financial constraint it was moved to the Maynard Arms at Grindleford. In 1965 our meetings day was changed from Fridays to the first Wednesday in the Month.

In 1992 the winds of change passed through the valley and once again the Lodge was on the move this time to its current address at Dore Masonic Hall. You will have noticed that all three venues the Lodge has occupied have all been across the road from the local railway station on the line between Sheffield and Manchester.

Over the life of the Lodge membership having started at 14 progressed to 25 in 1915 and reached its peak of 93 in 1959. On moving to Dore we had a membership of 69 this unfortunately over the years has reduced to its current healthy level of around 40 members.